Of course we know that platypi lay eggs--most people know this. That's one reason that they are such wacky mammals. But, hey, I did not know this until last night. How do you think they feed their young? Milk, sure, milk. But no nipples (I am so sorry, Mrs. Platypus):
The mother secretes this milk from large glands under the skin, the young platypus feed from this milk which ends up on the mothers fur.
Wow. Megawow. It oozes out. (Sorry, I could find no good pics of this).
But there's more. Even though they have no teeth, the males can kill a small dog (or something less cute) with their poison! They keep this in their legs:
The male platypi have a hollow spur about 15 milimetres in length on the inside of both hind legs.

I am going to adopt the term puggle. I'm not sure how I'll use it, but I must have puggle for my vocabulary.
This is another reason to wake up in the morning.
In other news, Cary and I celebrated our two year anniversary yesterday. We had breakfast at Kerby Lane, and we had dinner at Asti. Super yum! The chocolate mousse cannoli. Oh, yeah.
Cary is the very, very, very most.
Wow, I think you numbed my mind with platypi facts because I read the last line as: Cary is the very, very, very moist.
I hear platypi eat batteries, too. Also that they're very hard to photograph or film because they live in such murky waters. I watched a special one time! It was fantastic!
Dear LORD those pups were CUTE with a capital, (like, giant 6-foot capital) C. Arg.
Congrats again on your anniversarry!!
congrats on your anniversary!
Love you guys!
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