Do not worry, I am not going to write in 3rd person all the time. I am eating beans and rice and sour cream. I do that--eat at the computer. It's probably a bad thing.
I love eating good food. I mean I realllllly do. But I am really over trying to prepare food. Choosing what to eat is a horrible dilemma. It's one my least favorite things. Do you have any idea what it would be like if I were to become suddenly wealthy? I would have a chef cooking delicious and healthy meals. Someone telling me what to eat! I would have time and energy to work out all day. At night I'd reward myself by going to the movies or going out dancing, or, when the chef was off, going out to eat at restaurants that buy local organic vegetables and prepare them in daring ways.
Friday. Well. We know about the pedicure. The day sort of went downhill from there. For all practical purposes, Friday did not exist.
Yesterday was White Trash day at Nicolby's House. Cary says that I should dress white trash more often. There was much Little Debbie and laughter. What stands out strongest to me is the moment when Cary was slicing potatoes into the giant human stew, in which Colby was the meat, and my brother was attempting a dance, and some friends were singing a stew song. That's good stuff. Cary favored the Jack Daniels Coke Slurpees. Or were they Squishies?
Today I worked and then practiced a fun dance and then went to Sun Harvest and struggled with the concept of buying groceries.
And that's it. A pea-sized weekend!
A Few Things I currently hate (this list will grow daily):
preparing food
people who don't cover their coughs
using the toilet
Street Teams
Colonial America
A Few Things I Like:
people dressed like animals for non-sexual purposes
chocolate mousse
really good mozarella
smelling like cake
witches and their brew
arcane words
the red glow in my bedroom
really giant or really wee furniture
people who are willing to do a little dance for me
I like this! Keep blogging!
hmmm, i like whistling and flip flops, as you know. But will you still love me if a do a dance for you while whistling AND wearing flip flips at the same time?
I will try not to whistle around you. It won't be hard, because I generally just sing all the time. And as for the little dances, for you my friend... they abound! But we know this.
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